Wednesday 15 August 2012


Below are some photographs of me experimenting with typeface. I used polystyrene printing to create the masthead for my magazine. 

Rolling out black ink so it's evenly covers the roller.
Rolling black ink onto the polystyrene letters I made by cutting out polystyrene with a scalpel.
This is the typeface after printing the letters onto card.
Finished printed typeface, experimenting with square and circle shapes.

I then put scanned it into photoshop and altered the levels, colour and duplicated it. When layering them up I also changed the blending mode, in the 3rd FACADE I put it on multiple blending mode.
Here I was writing out the alphabet that I could possibly use for cover lines. I used various mediums such as earbuds, wire, sticks and multiple size hog-hair brushes.
I scanned the typefaces into photoshop and changed the blending modes, colour and filters. Also changing the size and spacing between characters.

More typographical experimentation

Here I went around trying to find the shapes of letters hidden within everyday objects. This really helped me to approach things with a varying perspective and not just see what meets the eye. For example, by looking at handles from a different angles they can look like the letter D ( as seen below). 
I then did a similar thing, but instead of using objects, I used already-existing typography from things such as signs.
This made me realize just how much typography is in our everyday lives, on posters, signs, cars, etc. Also, just how much variation there is too. It was very useful in helping me explore different typefaces. 
Experimenting with stencil cutouts and a spray diffuser

Inspiration- Miles Donovan

Comment on Donovan

I really like Miles Donovan's work and it made me decide to try a similar style. I like the way the colours contrast so much and that even the same colour but just different tones can be used for the layers. Also, there is a handmade quality to his work, even though it's been photoshopped after, with the ink runs and splashes which reminds me of Ekaterina Koroleva's work. This style could work well for my magazine as it looks professional yet edgy at the same time, meaning it's should still be eye-catching and appealing to readers. 

I started by taking a photograph I had taken and removing the background:

Then I de-saturated the image and adjusted the levels. After, I applied the artistic CUT-OUT filter to get the above image. By copying the different tones onto different pages I made the stencils which I printed and began cutting out
Cutting out the stencil.

Final stencil, base layer. The arrow on the eye was to remind me not to cut out the white in the eye.

Using the spray diffuser with the stencils.

Abstract sprays that I planned on using later in photoshop.

Final sprays. Both layers.

I then scanned the sprays into photoshop and edited them. Changing things such as: blending modes, layering, colouring, size, inversion, levels and contrast.
gif creators

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